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9 Ways High Dollar Sales Are Different

9 Ways High Dollar Sales Are Different

It’s easy to find marketing and sales advice for commodity products. But what about small to mid-sized businesses selling high dollar products? Where do they get advice? How do you effectively train your sales people? High dollar sales are different. I’ve spent...
4 Key Elements of Your Sales Overview Pitch

4 Key Elements of Your Sales Overview Pitch

“Sales pitch” is a strange term. It suggests a sales person gets themselves ready and then throws a collection of statements at a prospect. The prospect then either accepts or rejects the pitch. But, we all know selling high dollar items isn’t like that. It’s about...
Running an Effective Sales Training Meeting

Running an Effective Sales Training Meeting

Effective, motivated, successful sales teams for high dollar products don’t just happen. They must be built and developed so that they are able to confidently discuss and convince prospective customers to make a significant capital investment in your product. That...
5 ideas to help you raise prices

5 ideas to help you raise prices

It’s easy to lower prices. The sales team loves it because they see it as a simple way to create value in the potential customer’s eyes. The marketing team loves it because they can now deliver a “good news” message to the marketplace. And of course, the customers...