by Chip Burnham | Feb 28, 2018
Three out of every four respondents to CMI’s B2B content marketing benchmark study of 2016 for North America said in-person events are effective. In fact, face-to-face interaction was the highest–ranked tactic on the list, higher than webinars, case studies, and white...
by Chip Burnham | Jan 30, 2018
You are creating your brand every day, whether you intend to or not. Every piece of information seen in the marketplace contributes to establishing or furthering your brand. To make sure you are sending the right signals to the marketplace, you need to tightly control...
by Chip Burnham | Oct 24, 2017
It’s easy to find marketing and sales advice for commodity products. But what about small to mid-sized businesses selling high dollar products? Where do they get advice? How do you effectively train your sales people? High dollar sales are different. I’ve spent...
by Chip Burnham | Oct 24, 2017
To be a market leader you need excellent messaging that’s consistent and persuasive. Your messaging reflects your brand, vision, and core culture of your company. Your messaging should move your audience. Your messaging should propel your brand. Messaging must not...
by Chip Burnham | Oct 24, 2017
“Sales pitch” is a strange term. It suggests a sales person gets themselves ready and then throws a collection of statements at a prospect. The prospect then either accepts or rejects the pitch. But, we all know selling high dollar items isn’t like that. It’s about...